We motored to Birch Creek and hit one of our favorite coves. The water was about 2 ft below its normal pool but higher than last year. Doyal picked up a 3.3 on a crank and I caught a 2 on finesse worm (Zoom Tomato). We spoke with a guide with a couple of Okies for clients. He told us a wild story that they had caught several 4s in the heat of the day (90) in shallow water on Bream colored Jitterbugs. ‘Nuf said about that. Ate at Tiffany’s located at the Lake Fork Marina and sampled their luscious coconut cream pie.
Next morning, we drove to the ramp at the Hwy 154 bridge which is close to the area we like to fish. We were on the lake by 7 am. We found the fishing extremely slower than expected. Locals said the weird weather they had had confused the fish. The post spawn doldrums was in full force. Doyal caught 6 bass and 3 catfish on crankbaits. I caught 1 bass and lost 2 more. To show how slow, Doyal caught 5 of his bass between 4 and 5 in the afternoon. Those 5 were caught on Baby Brush Hogs in Watermelon Candy on a C-Rig. If you have never fished Lake Fork, it is completely saturated with stumps and treetops. Fishing almost any kind of rig can be agonizing with handups and breakoffs, not to mention landing a good fish in that kind of environment. But hey, that’s what you have to do for successes that you do have. Left the lake about 5 pm and made a stop at Bro’s place for a heaping pile of Crawfish. Excellent.
On Saturday we followed the same plan. Doyal caught 6 and I caught 5 for the day, almost exclusively on the Brush Hogs and C-Rigs. I did catch one on a finesse worm (Zoom Smoking Blue). The lake was pretty crowded and the comments around the Marina were similar, slow fishing. Dinner at A J’s Catfish Buffet. Excellent. We do eat well on this trip.
Sunday turned out to be our best day. We caught 15 for the day. Lost several. Doyal continued to school me on the C-Rig and crankbait (KVD 1.5) catching 10 to my 5 but I had a couple of nice fish. Had a 4 # 5 oz and a 5 # 5 oz bass. I lost the best fish I have had on in a while that I am certain was 6 +. Jumped a couple of times and bored down into a bunch of stumps. I could feel her hung up and tried to pull her loose but alas I broke the line. The Memphis and Cape Girardeau bunch came in Sunday afternoon and we had dinner at Tiffany’s.
Monday at 6:30 and it seemed like a different lake because the boat traffic had dwindled. This was a cloudy and cooler day. This was going to to be stellar day to fish, not. Doyal started with a bank. Caught 5 fish by 8 am on 1.5 and C-Rig. He had a 4 # 6 oz.nice fish. I had lost one on my third cast on a buzz bait when he hooked up to a stump. I didn’t boat my first fish until 12:30 pm and Doyal didn’t catch his 6 fish until shortly after that. Total for the day 7 fish. Dinner with the group was an Italian restaurant called Verona’s. This is an outstanding restaurant that could make it in the big city but seems to do OK in the rural area around Lake Fork.
Last day on the water for us. We had a total of 5 bass for the day. I had 4 and Doyal had 1 coming after lunch on the water, a truly slow day. I did have a tremendous topwater strike on a Rapala Prop bait. Looked like a bowling ball dropped in the water. But alas, the fish bored deep into the stumps again and came undone, a familiar course. Doyal did have a spectacular catch with a 4-5 lb Grinnel. I was going to get a pic but he pitched it back in the lake before I could snap it. About 3 pm we had been watching storm clouds gathering with thunder and lightning. We finally made the decision to hunker down and wait it out or put the boat on the trailer. We made the right choice, trailered the boat, put the cover on just as the first drops fell and boy did they fall. Ate with the group at Tiffany’s again.
After breakfast on Wednesday, we loaded up and headed to Memphis. I transferred my stuff to my Suburban and headed out to Franklin, a good 600 miles for the day and a finish to another Lake Fork trip. This was a disappointing trip in some ways and very successful in other. We had a good number of 2-3 lb bass, but the quantity of fish caught was lower than usual. Having a 5+ pound bass always helps to help the pain. Can’t wait to get on the water again and match wits with Middle Tennessee bass. Oh yeah, my Grandson Chris was married to Christy on Saturday capping a wonderful weekend.
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